Why Juice?
Why not?! Juicing is
a way to get a straight “shot in the arm” of nutrients. I have found, for myself that the more living
foods I consume, the better I feel, the less cravings I encounter. Why is this?
I fully believe that when we consume dead foods, or processed foods, the
less nutritionally fed we are. Our
bodies will begin to scream for the nutrients it’s lacking. This comes in the way of cravings! The more alkalizing foods (refer to
THIS alkaline/acid chart) we eat or juice, the quicker we will absorb the nutrients
our body needs.
One of the biggest questions in regard to juicing concern
the fiber that is being removed. That
can’t be good? We need that fiber,
right? Yes, we need fiber and should be
consuming it in the form of eating these foods as well, but the benefit to
juicing or even a juice fast provide our digestive system a break. Pulling the fiber from the vegetables and
fruits frees the nutrients .
In the book pH Miracles
by Robert and Shelley Young, they describe the benefits of juicing, “When you “drink
your vegetables,” your body is getting minerals, chlorophyll, and enzymes, so
vegetable juices are very alkalizing.
They also have an important cleansing effect in the intestines. Juicing vegetables you might otherwise cook
also provides enzymatic relief to the digestive organs.” These juices go straight into the blood stream and provide us with "instant" nutrition!

What to juice for optimal nutrition? Again, referring to the
alkaline/acid lists found all over the Internet and in books provide you with a list of foods that
are alkaline. When our bodies are more
alkaline based, versus acid, we are healthy or more alive. When our bodies become acidic, our bodies
become a place where disease and decay thrive.
So, when it comes to juicing we are going for alkalinity. This comes in the form of vegetables and very
few fruits. As you consume more vegetables juices, this will provide your body with a large amount of alkaline
based nutrients and you will feel awesome!
I’m not gonna lie, the first time you choke down a “green” drink, you’re
gonna feel like it might all come right back up! So, start with equal amounts of apples, carrots and greens in the form of kale, spinach, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, etc. Juicing a lemon with my green drink is a
must! It always helps mine to taste
better. In time, you will be able to
lesson the amount if apples and carrots and add more greens.
I juice a 32 oz green drink every morning and
it consists of a variety of greens; kale, spinach, beet greens, and swiss
chard. I will sometimes add celery
and/or a cucumber, cabbage, and a green pepper.
I love cilantro/parsley as well.
I add 1 green apple and 1 lemon to my 32 oz drink. I rarely add carrots. Carrots are alkaline but also naturally very
sweet and can still increase your blood sugar.
Juicing grasses like wheat grass is also beneficial, although I haven’t
had the time or patience to investigate growing my own and certainly don’t have
the time or money to buy it. I have read
loads about the benefits though and encourage you to do that if you know how.
I also occasionally add 1 garlic clove, ginger root (peeled),
or radishes to my juice. Sometimes the spicy
takes away the monotony of the heavy
greens. Although, I have been juicing for
a year and love variety, I NEVER tire of my green juice every morning. If I happen to miss my green drink in the
morning, my body feels more tired and I feel more cravings later in the day.
A word about Organic…I do all I can to buy organic. I know there is much controversy concerning
organic, however, I still buy it, wash it well and have peace of mind knowing I’m
making the best choice I can. I also try to buy organic produce stateside and NOT from Mexico. I cannot source this, but have heard that Mexico sometimes uses human waste as fertilizer (yuck, I know). I cannot
afford to buy everything organic. I work
with my local grocery store and the produce manager there is
wonderful about ordering anything I need organic and gives me great prices! The foods I buy organic are; apples, romaine
lettuce, swiss chard, kale, and carrots.
I buy these buy the box every week.
We juice it, eat it for almost every meal and LOVE it!
I will also be posting some great information about what
kind of juicer is best? Also, information about the power of a juice fast. Stay tuned!
There are some excellent books, documentaries and other sources
about the power of juicing I recommend: